
Awareness programs: Schools


  • Climate Change Awareness Programme in Ramakrishna Mission Higher Secondary School, East Khasi Hills District, Sohra, East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya (31st May)
    A “Climate Change Awareness Programme” was conducted on 31st of May 2018 for Ramakrishna Mission Higher Secondary School in Sohra, East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya.
  • Climate Change Awareness Programme in North Liberty Higher Secondary School, West Jaintia Hills District, Jowai, Meghalaya (28th May)
    A “Climate Change Awareness Programme” was conducted on 28th of May 2018 for North Liberty Higher Secondary School in Jowai, West Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya.
  • Climate Change Awareness Programme in Pynthorumkhrah Golflink Higher Secondary School, East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya (27th April)
    A “Climate Change Awareness Programme” was conducted on 27th of April 2018 for Pynthorumkhrah Golflink Higher Secondary School in Shillong, East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya.

Department wise Interactive sessions held in MBDA office Headquarter, Nongrim Hills, Shillong, Meghalaya


  • Impact on Climate Change on Agriculture in the State (16th May)
  • Discuss on Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in Meghalaya (8th March)
  • Climate Change and Live Stock (3rd February)

Media Workshop with CMS

Media Workshop with CMS

  • Media Workshop on Climate Change Reporting (IHCAP, CMS, MCCC); Level-II (28th – 30th June)

A “Media Workshop on Climate Change Reporting” was conducted on 28th – 30th of June 2017 for various Media personals.



  • Forest and Climate Change in Meghalaya (AIR, English)
  • Climate Change:Impacts and steps taken by the State (Doordarshan, English)
  • Forest: the lifeline of the Earth: Preserve and Protect them for the future generations (AIR, Khasi)
  • Climate Change Initiatives in the State (Big FM, Khasi)

Workshops / Training programs



A “Consultation Workshop for Revision of State Action Plan on Climate Change” was conducted on 24th of May 2018 for various State’s Department and other Stakeholders. The workshop was dedicated on identifying and prioritising sector specific adaptation actions and also apprising about the opportunities available under NAFCC, Green Climate Fund (GCF).


  • Training Programme on Climate Change Adaptation Planning (IHCAP, NABCONS, MCCC) (28th June)

A “Training Programme on Climate Change Adaptation Planning” was conducted on 28th of June 2017 with IHCAP and NABCONS.

  • Adaptation to Climate Change in Meghalaya: Knowledge Sharing and Learning (26th April)

An “Adaptation to Climate Change in Meghalaya: Knowledge Sharing and Learning” was conducted on 26th of April 2017 for various State’s Department and other Stakeholders.


  • Climate Change and Green Economy (10th June)

A “Climate Change and Green Economy” was conducted on 10th of June 2016 for various State’s Department and other Stakeholders.

  • Adaptation to Climate Change in Meghalaya (14th April)

An “Adaptation to Climate Change in Meghalaya” was conducted on 14th of April 2016 for various State’s Department and other Stakeholders.